
Potato benefits:

Potatoes contain important nutrients even when cooked, they can benefit human health in different ways, and here we take a look at the contribution of potatoes to living a healthy lifestyle:

1-Bone health

The iron, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium and zinc in potatoes help the body build and maintain bone structure and strength.
While iron and zinc play an important role in the production and maturation of collagen, and both phosphorous and calcium are important in the bone structure, but it is necessary to achieve a balance between the two minerals for proper mineralization of the bones, because excessive intake of phosphorous and lack of calcium leads to bone loss and osteoporosis

2-Blood pressure

A low sodium intake is essential for maintaining a healthy blood pressure, but increasing potassium intake may be just as important, as potassium encourages the expansion of blood vessels.

3-Heart health

Potatoes' fiber, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B6 content, along with their lack of cholesterol, all support heart health.
Potatoes contain large amounts of fiber that helps lower the total amount of cholesterol in the blood, thus reducing the risk of heart disease


Choline is an important and versatile nutrient found in potatoes, and it helps with muscle movement, mood, learning, and memory.
It also helps in: (maintaining the structure of cell membranes, nerve impulses, fat absorption, early brain development), a large potato contains 57 mg of choline, and adult males need 550 mg and females 425 mg per day.


Potatoes contain folic acid, which plays a role in DNA synthesis and repair, thus preventing many types of cancer cells from forming due to mutations in the DNA.
Eating fiber from fruits and vegetables such as potatoes is associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer, and vitamin C and quercetin act as antioxidants, protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals.


Potatoes contain folic acid, which plays a role in DNA synthesis and repair, thus preventing many types of cancer cells from forming due to mutations in the DNA.
Eating fiber from fruits and vegetables such as potatoes is associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer, and vitamin C and quercetin act as antioxidants, protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals.

6-Regulating digestion

The fiber content in potatoes helps prevent constipation and promotes regularity in the digestive system.

7-Weight and satiety

Dietary fibers are known to be important factors in weight management and loss, because they act as “reproduction factors” in the digestive system, increasing the feeling of satiety and reducing appetite, so a person feels full for a longer period and is less likely to consume more calories.


Potatoes are a great source of Vitamin B6. This plays a vital role in energy metabolism by breaking down carbohydrates and proteins into glucose and amino acids. These small compounds are used more easily for energy within the body.


Collagen is the skin's support system Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant to help prevent damage caused by the sun, pollution and smoke Vitamin C helps Collagen smooth wrinkles and improve overall skin texture.

10-Immune system

Research has found that vitamin C may help reduce the severity of diseases that affect the immune system, especially viruses, which supports immunity and makes it able to fight diseases, and potatoes are a good source of vitamin C.

11-Sleep promotion

Tryptophan, naturally present in potatoes, is a natural sedative that ensures good sleep, and potassium in potatoes works as a muscle relaxant, ensuring more restful sleep and relaxation.

12-Reducing premenstrual symptoms

Potato juice can help relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, as the high carbohydrate content in potatoes helps raise tryptophan levels, which increases the production of serotonin in the body (serotonin is called the happiness hormone), and this rise in serotonin helps improve Mood and reduces anxiety.


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